Search Tips

Keyword Searches - made easy!

Keywords can narrow your search results, helping you find the right product the first time. Keyword searches are particularly useful if you are searching for a specific product eg Microsoft Home and Student 2010 as opposed to Microsoft Office. If you prefer to browse then it is best to use the category searches found on the left hand menu.

One word

The results will show you products that have that word in the title or description of the product. In addition if you the keyword matches the name of a category the products within that category will also be displayed.

More than one word

If you search for two words, for example HP Printer, your results will list all the products that include the words HP AND Printer. These words would not necessarily appear together.


Searches are not case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case. For example, searches for HP Printer, hp printer or Hp PriNTer will all return the same results.

Searching for Toners or Inks

Option 1 - If you know the part number enter it into the keyword search and be taken directly to the relevant product.

Option 2 - Enter the Printer model number, generally found on your printer, and be presented with a list of toners / inks that are relevant for that printer.

Search by Part Number or Manufacturer Code

Simply type the CSW-IT WebCode or the Manufacturer Code into the Keyword search and be taken directly to the product you are looking for.

Punctuation and common words

For better results exclude all punctuation in your keyword search eg do not include dashes full stops and commas and do not include and, the or &.

Versions of Software

When searching for versions of software just include the version number without typing "version" or "v." For example, type "MYOB Accounting 19" as opposed to "MYOB Accounting version 19" or "MYOB Accounting v19".